
Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Vitamin D and Covid Vitamin D and Covid
That you should simply enjoy the sun so as not to get infected was one of the rumors that went around at the beginning of the corona pandemic. But is...
Vitamin D Insufficiency Vitamin D Insufficiency
When does one speak of a vitamin D deficiency? How much vitamin D a person has in their blood is usually given in nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). It is difficult...
sun-a-wear and UV Research sun-a-wear and UV Research
Our mission is to raise awareness of UV radiation and to promote research into the health effects of UV radiation. We do this by continuously improving and miniaturizing our technology...
Sunscreen Ingredients Sunscreen Ingredients
There is no question that sun protection is essential and will become increasingly important in the future. But what's in sunscreen? Are all the active ingredients that get into our...
Serotonin Serotonin
A balanced serotonin level is therefore essential for health. A lack of serotonin is therefore associated with many symptoms. Bad memory Bad mood insomnia Strong craving for sweet food Low...
Melanoma and UV Radiation Melanoma and UV Radiation
While the number of cases of melanoma skin cancer, i.e. malignant skin cancer, continues to rise in Europe, it appears to be falling in North America and Oceania. A group...
Even less strong UV radiation leads to long-term damage Even less strong UV radiation leads to long-term damage
When is it necessary to protect yourself from too much sun? When can sun cause long-term damage? The current recommendation of the World Health Organization is: If the UV index...