Sun Protection and Kids

Sun Protection and Kids

Children's skin needs the most protection. In the period up to the age of 18, the probability of permanently damaging your skin is highest. The consequences – skin cancer – are only felt much later. Children should therefore only play outside with light, long clothing and a hat. Body parts that are exposed to the sun should be well creamed.

Important to know:

  • Children are more sensitive to UV radiation than adults and therefore need special protection.
  • Even a single sunburn in childhood can increase the risk of skin cancer already increase.
  • Estimates are that most people will get most of their UV dose of their lives before the age of 18.
  • Some schools teach the children UV protection, which the WHO considers very positive. Nevertheless, parents should also teach their children how to use the sun in a healthy way.

Vitamin D deficiency in children

Based on the statements of the World Health Organization, good sun protection is particularly important for children. So: use sunscreen, wear a sun hat and t-shirt, avoid direct midday sun and wear sunglasses.

But be careful: Too much of a good thing isn't good either. Because many parents take sun protection for children too seriously, i.e. keep their children's UV exposure as low as possible, many children often suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. This can have far-reaching consequences because vitamin D has a very strong influence on bone stability and the development of the immune system. It is usually not possible to identify such a deficiency directly because the symptoms are very unspecific or the consequences are only noticed too late.

That's why it's important to think about vitamin D as well. The Federal Office of Public Health recommends supplementing the diet of children in the first year of life with 400 IU of vitamin D per day and thereafter with 600 IU per day .

The sun-a-wear app supports you in sun protection for your children. With our mascot Sunny, children learn how to deal with the sun in a playful way. Sunny_ shows children when and how to protect themselves. Many parents have told us that sunscreen for their children has become much easier thanks to Sunny's help.

Further reading:


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